Pamoja Mission Africa
world where children are capable of realizing their dreams.

Know About Us

A small charity has a big impact

Pamoja Mission Africa (PMA) is a Community Based Organization. Its mission is to meet the needs of children in poor rural areas. PMA is committed to break the cycles of poverty by supporting a small group of extremely vulnerable children in a holistic way.

The ultimate objective, is to help them realize their dreams - whatever these might be - by guiding them until they are truly on the rails. We believe that for every child that we can help to break the cycle, we create a new advocate of transformation.

Why sign up as a giver on

We have a deep passion for the work that we do to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of the non-profit sector.

Giving promotes cooperation and social connection.

when you give to others, your generosity is likely to be rewarded by others down the line—sometimes by the person you gave to, sometimes by someone else.
these exchanges promote a sense of trust and cooperation that streour ties to others.

Giving is contagious.

When we give, we don’t only help the immediate recipient of our gift
We also spur a ripple effect of generosity through our community.
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Team behind goodsoul

Our work would not be possible without the work of our dedicated volunteers.

Benjie Alphonso


Ivor Herbert


Merlin Judson

Ground Person